Outreachy - Week Nine

Outreachy - Week Nine

This Week's Theme: Career opportunities

General Rant

This week was career week! I have so much to tell you.

  • I got to have a coffee chat with another intern in a bid to network better.
  • I got to speak with my mentor about career opportunities and how to mix a software engineering career with a technical writing one.

  • I get to chair next week's meeting. Compared to the first time I did it during outreachy's contribution period, I am not nervous. I guess it's because I've gotten to know more people in my organisation.

  • I found out that the installation process for mac wasn't thorough and missed a few steps, so yeah...that was frustrating. It was this week's task to fix it.
  • For this week, we were encouraged to network, take advantage of social media and basically make enquiries on opportunities; especially for those seeking.

Here are some prompts: I'd answer accordingly.

  • Are you looking for a job, internship, a grant, a volunteer position, or some type of other opportunities?

Yes, I am looking for a job. I want to get out of the internship circle. An entry-level or junior role would be great. I could work as a software engineer (python), or a technical writer.

  • What types of work would you like to contribute to?

Typically jobs involving engineering or technical writing.

  • What tools or skills do you have that would help you with that work?

I am familiar with tools related to open source/writing including but not limited to; Git/GitHub, reStructured text tools, Read The Docs template, VScode, Python, HTML and CSS, Trello, and Google Workspace (formerly G Suites).

  • What tools or skills would you like to learn?

    • Tools that make technical writing easier; e.g documentation templates like Gitbook/ReadMe.

I'd like to get better at

  • the writing markdowns and other documentation texts.
  • Using these tools
  • communicating effectively.

- What interpersonal skills make you a collaborative team member?

My ability to communicate effectively and make sure everyone is carried along.

- What languages do you speak, and at what school grade level?

  • I speak English fluently, my native language and pidgin (the unofficial language of Nigeria.)
  • I graduated uni last year September.

- How my identity fits in?

As a black female living in the EMEA region, it's a proven fact that being in these regions automatically puts you at a disadvantage mainly due to lack of resources and other factors:

Screen Shot 2022-08-10 at 1.49.00 PM.png Link to actual tweet

I'm big on representation, and I'm hoping that being hired or part of a team would allow me to get more people into your ecosystem, thereby making it diverse and inclusive. Sort of like how Ruth Ikegah is getting more Africans involved in CHAOSS and the open source community as a whole.

  • When are you available to start work?

I would be available to work in October.

  • Are you able to move, and if so, which countries/regions are you willing to move to?

Yes, I am able and willing to move. As long as the work conditions and environment is okay and receptive to POCs, I'm willing to move.

Are you looking for a remote job?

Yes, I am. Working with CHAOSS under outreachy has helped me simulate what working remotely can be like, and I like it. I'd love to have a full-time role that is remote.

Are you looking for a full-time or part-time paid position?

  • Full time

Are you open to being a self-employed contractor?

I'd consider this if:

  • There is the possibility of full-time employment later.
  • I get to learn about new technologies
  • If the project aids with representation in any way

Stuff I Learned This Week?

  • Fear never really goes away. So, it's okay to feel it but still show up anyway.
  • Something cool I found out from working on the metrics (check last week), was that CHAOSS even has metrics that factor in caregivers. Talk about being considerate. It's so cool to me.

Pats On The Back?

  • I finished this task that was expected of me in record time.

Anything else?

No. Until next time...

blows kisses.avif

Gif credit: Google